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Lectures and Symposia updated June 12, 2006

Keynote Lecture: Gills, lungs and spiracles - fossil evidence for the evolution of air breathing
Plenary Lecture: Experimental Evolution as an Approach to Study Respiratory Biology
Plenary Lecture: Neuronal and Chemosensory Control of Breathing: Lessons Learned from a Simple Model System Approach
Plenary Lecture:
The Use of Molecular Tools in Integrative Respiratory Physiology
Homeostatic Responses to Changing Metabolic Demands
Developmental Transitions in Respiratory Physiology
Sensing CO2, H+ and O2; A Comparative Survey of Receptors and Pathways
The Integrative and Evolutionary Biology of Gas-Binding Proteins
Coping with Cyclic Oxygen Availability: Evolutionary Aspects
Directions in Respiratory Biology
Respiratory Plasticity after Changes in Oxygen Supply and Demand
Radicals and Foreign Airborne Substances
Innovative Methods in Respiratory Biology
Breathing during Locomotion
The Anatomy, Physics and Physiology of Gas Exchange Surfaces with Emphasis on Pulmonary Surfactant
Mitochondria and Respiration
Deconvoluting Lung Evolution: From Phenotypes to Gene Regulatory Networks
Reconfiguration of the Respiratory Network During Respiratory and Non-Respiratory Behaviours

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Posters presented at the ICRB:

Nadja Schilling
Jena, Germany
Fiber type distribution in the m. quadratus lumborum in mammals in relation to its respiratory and locomotory function
Frank Gerlach
University of Mainz

Regulation of neuroglobin, cytoglobin and myoglobin in a hypoxia-tolerant mammal, the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi

Todd Uriona
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, USA

Contribution of the diaphramaticus muscle to tidal volume in post-prandial American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)

Akrum Hamdy
Minia University
Topic to be announced
Elisabeth Spinelli di Oliveira
University of São Paulo
Are respiratory adaptations relevant to the evolution of rodents in semiarid environments?
Frank Melzner
Alfred Wegener Institute
Bremerhaven, Germany
Comparison of hypercapnia induced changes in standard metabolic rate between invertebrate and vertebrate models
Felix Mark
Alfred Wegener Institute
Bremerhaven, Germany
Effects of temperature on energy allocation in Antarctic fish hepatocytes
Erich Gnaiger
Innsbruck Medical University
The OROBOROS Oxygraph-2k for high-resolution respirometry in mitochondrial respiratory physiology
Prem Kumar
University of Birmingham

Insulin-induced hyperpnea: a model for exercise?

Gisela Lannig
Alfred Wegener Institute
Bremerhaven, Germany

Plasticity in mitochondrial capacities due to temperature acclimation and adaptation

Ulf Guenther
University of Bonn

5-HT1A-R-agonist 8-OH-DPAT activates spontaneous ventilatory activity while exhibiting dual effects on a nociceptive reflex in a rat in situ preparation

Nooshin Mirkheshti
Isfahan, Iran

The Expression of bcl2 gene in the late pulmonary adverse effects of mustard gas in animal model

Danilo Wilhelm Filho
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Florianopolis, Brazil
Antioxidant defenses of the hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini
Nooshin Mirkheshti
Isfahan, Iran
Application of cyclosporine for delayed mustard gas pulmonary disorders in animal model
Nooshin Mirkheshti
Isfahan, Iran

Effect of oxidative stress on delayed pulmonary injury of sulfur mustard in mice model and therapeutic effect of cyclophosphamide and colchicin

Nooshin Mirkheshti
Isfahan, Iran

The Expression of bcl2 gene in late pulmonary disorders of mustard gas chemical casualties

Amel H. El-Gendy
Faculty of Science
Alexandria, Egypt
The impact of pollution on gills of the Egyptian crustacean Portunus pelagicus and Penaeus japonicus
Adrianne Huxtable
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada

Modulation of central respiratory networks by ATP during perinatal development

Ichiro Kuwahira
Tokai University
Effect of repetitive hypercapnic hypoxia on arterial blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and Hb concentration ([Hb]) in a rat model simulating sleep apnea syndrome
Ellen Weihe
Alfred Wegener Institute
Bremerhaven, Germany
Hypoxic stress response in intertidal and subtidal Antarctic limpets
Jalile Amin-Naves
University of São Paulo
Peripheral and central respiratory components of acid-base regulation in Lepidosiren paradoxa
Glauber dos S. F. da Silva
University of São Paulo
Control of pulmonary ventilation in lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa: The effects of temperature and hypoxia
David Hoogewijs
Ghent University

Quantitative expression analysis of C. elegans globins under anoxic conditions

Antonio Cruz
University of Madrid

Characterization of nanoscopic assemblies of pulmonary surfactant proteins in native membranes

Barbara Olmeda
University of Madrid

Effect of hypoxia on the composition and surface activity of pulmonary surfactant

Albert Bennett
University of California

Leptin evolution in diving mammals: A role in surfactant production?

Thorsten Burmester
University of Mainz
The diversity and distribution of hemocyanins in the arthropod phylum
Thorsten Burmester
University of Mainz

Distribution in vascular and avascular mammalian retinae links neuroglobin to cellular respiration

Anja Rösner
University of Mainz

Hypoxia induces a complex response of globin gene expression in zebrafish

Bettina Ebner
University of Mainz

Globin genes are present in Ciona intestinalis

David Hoogewijs
Ghent University
Characterization of the globin-coupled sensor from Azotobacter vinelandii
Gereon Maurer
Düsseldorf, Germany

Physiological modulations of cardiovascular performance by adenosine in the American lobster, Homarus americanus

Ariane Pott
Düsseldorf, Germany

Temperature dependent characterization of effector binding sites of the hemocyanin of the European lobster, Homarus vulgaris

Marina V. Nechaeva
Institute of Developmental Biology RAS
Moscow, Russia
Topic to be announced
Irina G. Vladimirova
Institute of Developmental Biology RAS
Moscow, Russia
Topic to be announced